Friday, November 27, 2009

Karpal may propose privacy laws :: LOCAL ::

DAP national chairman Karpal Singh said today he may propose privacy legislation through a Private Member's Bill during the next session of the Dewan Rakyat in 2010. By constructing new law on privacy, it may reduce cyber crime cases and the safety of internet or computer user. Karpal singh also said the thresholds for defamation did provide some incidental protection against unwarranted privacy invasions.

This law is propose due to Malaysia looks set to enact a Personal Data Protection Act in which still lacking in specific legislation to protect the right to privacy for each user. The Personal Data Protection Bill 2009, largely regulates data collection, storage and processing in commercial transactions. Else, Privacy protection is available in limited circumstances via specific provisions in several laws, including the Penal Code, and Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.



The idea of proposing the new Multimedia Law regarding privacy is good and necessary. As we look into the internet and computer world, we can see there are a huge amount of data and information gather from approximately 1,733,993,741 users all around the world. In order to keep the data and everyone safe, the government or agency that responsible need to implement law on highest privacy for all users and improve the security to make it difficult to be broke or sneak in. Privacy on data and user must be protect because as the cyber crime is rapidly growing together with the technology world.

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